1. Introduction of ERP
- ERP Fundamentals.
- Why ERP?
- Features and advantages of ERP
- About SAP R/3 ERP
- Comparison of SAP R/3 with other products
2. SAP R/3 Architecture
- Defining an R/3 Instance
- Understanding a User Context
- Understanding a Roll Area
- List and their jobs of background services
3.Introduction to ABAP/4
- ABAP/4 Programming concept
- Introduction of various types of program
- Fundamentals of creation of programs
- Introduction of standard Data Types
- Declaration of different types of variables
- Loop and Controls
- IF structure
- Case statement
- Loop statement
- Control break statement
- Data structure
- User-Defined Data Types
- System Fields
4. Introduction of ABAP Dictionary
- Overview of Dictionary objects
- Overview of Types of Base tables
- Creation of Client independent base tables
- Creation of Client dependent base tables
- Understanding of standard database tables
- Views
- Structure
- Data Element
- Domain
- Search Help
5.Introduction of Database Operations
- Understanding of Open SQL statement
- Understanding of Native SQL statement
- Working with Insert, Update, Delete statement
- Addition of corresponding fields of statement
6. Introduction of Internal Table
- Overview of types of Internal tables
- Creation of an Internal table with an implicit header line
- Creation of an Internal table with an explicit header line
- Processing on internal table using following statements
- Append, Insert, Modify, Sort, Read, Collect, Clear, Refresh, Delete, Free
- Processing logic Read table statement Loop at
Message class
- Creation of user define massages
- Overview of types of massages
- Displaying massages
8. Modularization technique
- Include programs
- Subroutines
- Function modules
9. Introduction of dialogue programming
- Understanding of module pool programming
- Creation of module pool program
- Designing screens using various screens elements
- Navigation in between multiple screens
- Displaying data into table control
- Screen painter
- Menu painter
- Creation of menu bar, tool bar, title bar etc.,
10. Introduction of object transportation
- Understanding of development class / package
- Creation of development class / package
- Creation of workbench request
- Transportation of objects
- Understanding of TMS technique
11. Reports
- Understanding of types of reports
- Generation of various types of reports
- Classical report
- ALV report
- ABAP Query
12. Understanding of report events
- Initialization
- Start-of-selection
- Add-selection-screen
- Top-of-page
- End-of-page
- At line-selection
- At user-command
13. Introduction of selection screen
- Understanding of selection screen methods
- Creation of selection screen using SELECT-OPTIONS
- Usage of SELECT-OPTIONS in function module
14. Introduction of logical database
- Creation of LDB
- Usage of LDB
- LDB events
- Get, Put
15. Introduction of BDC
- Overview of BDC
- Methods of BDC
- I/O method
- Direct input method
- Call transaction method
- Session method
- Working with foreground and background techniques
- Recording method
16. Introduction of SAP Script
- Designing of layout
- Working with standard text object
- Creation of various elements of SAP Script
- Working with standard SAP Script
- Writing print programs
- Creation of smart form with different Window Types
- Passing Parameters into Smart Form
- Smart Form with Database using Tables
- Smart Form with Derived Fields to perform Calculations
- Or validations using with FLOWLOGIC
- Smart Form with Table Format Output.
- Smart Form with Graphic window, Address Window
- Calling Smart at Runtime using Module Programming
- By passing Parameters
- Smart Form at runtime to export report output into
- Client independent
- Sending Mail process with Smart Form
- OBAP Programming.
- Local Classes, Global Classes.
- Class, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism….
- ABAP OBJECTS with BDC Applications.
- API application programming Interface.
- Add-Ins Programming
- User Exits, Menu Exits, Function Module Exits
4. ALV reports with OOPS
- Using GRID, HOTSPOT and interactive selection process.
5. User Exits
6. Enhancements
1. Introduction of Cross Application
2. Overview of Tools of Cross Application
3.RFC (Remote Function Calling)
- Introduction of Client / Server Architecture
- Introduction of RFC
- Setup of Remote Access of a client
- Communication between two clients
- Accessing Function Remotely
4. IDOC (Intermediate Document)
- Introduction of IDOC
- Architecture of IDOC
- Creation of Field Type
- Creation of Segment
- Creation of IDOC
- Creation of Message Type
5.ALE (Application Link Enabling)
- What is ALE ?
- Why ALE
- Phases in ALE
- About IDOC
- Idoc Structure
- Idoc Records
- Transporting data using Idoc
- Defining Logical System
- Mapping of Logical System with Clients
- Defining Port
- Defining Partner Profile
- Defining Distribution Model
- Transfer of data between two clients
- Transfer of data using Message Control
6.EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
- Introduction of EDI
- Architecture of EDI
- Generation of Partner Profile
- Distribution of data using EDI
7.LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench )
- Overview of LSMW
- Customization of steps
- Understanding of SAP Standard Application
- Distribution of data using Standard Application
- Third Party Clients API programming functions.
- Creation of BOR Objects using Remote Function modules, Remote Function call system
- Executing BAPI into Microsoft Visual basic.net technologies
Project Training (40 Hours)
2 Projects on Each ALV, OO ALV, BAPI, ALE IDOC, Enhancements, Smart forms.