1. Introduction to SAP EWM
Basic Overview of EWM Solution
Deployment Options of SAP EWM
2. Org. Units and System Integration
Organizational Units
Basic ERP and EWM Integration
3. Warehouse Structure and EWM Master Data
EWM Structural Elements – Storage Types, Storage Sections, Storage Bins, Work centers, Activity Areas and etc.
EWM Master Data – Product Master, Packaging Specifications etc.
4. Warehouse Monitor and RF Framework
Resource and Queue Management
Configuration settings for RF
Warehouse Monitor, Easy Graphics Framework and Warehouse Cockpit
5. Goods Receipt Process
Inbound Processing Using EWM
Slotting and Rearrangement
Availability Groups for Inventory Management
Direct Put-away Configuration and Put-away Strategies
6. Goods Issue Process
Outbound Delivery Processing using EWM
Wave Processing
Direct Outbound deliveries
Stock Removal Strategies
Exception Handling and Pick Denial
Batch Management
7. Delivery Document Customizing and Warehouse Order Creation Rule
Delivery Document Integration
Warehouse Order Creation Rule
8. Storage Control
Storage Control Concepts
Process-oriented Storage Control
Layout-oriented Storage Control
9. Posting Changes, Stock Transfers and Replenishment
Posting Changes and Stock Transfers
Ad Hoc Movements and Replenishment
10. Physical Inventory
Periodic Physical Inventory Procedure
Processing of Physical Inventory Documents
Difference Analysis
Reports in Physical Inventory
11. Cross Topics
Labor Management
PPF Action Settings
Value added services and Kitting
Cross Docking